An orange and white triangle on a white background.

Remote Health Clinic Upgrades

MPH Projects has also worked on the installation of medical equipment, air conditioning systems, and electrical upgrades for these remote community health centres.

The team's expertise in project management and remote works has allowed for successful completion of these projects, ensuring that the health centres are well-equipped to provide quality medical care to the communities they serve.

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February 4, 2025
Newland Street Skate Park: Alice Springs' Newest and Greatest Social Hub
A playground with a slide and umbrellas in a park.
January 8, 2025
Alice Springs has just elevated its excitement level with the launch of the brand-new Adventure Park at the Alice Springs Aquatic and Lesiure Centre. This cutting-edge facility serves as a transformative resource for local families and visitors alike, showcasing the innovative design and skilled craftsmanship of MPH Projects, the talented team responsible for this remarkable development.
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